F 190.1000 TAR
Biotecnología Gian Gaetano Tartaglia y Davide Cirillo.
F 190.1000 STE ED2
Calculo en biología molecular y biotecnología Stephenson.
F 190.2000 CAB
Biotecnología Farmacéutica medicamentos de origen biológico
F 190.2000 MAU
Molecular Biotechnology Therapeutic Applications and
Strategies D PATEL.
F 190.2000 CROM ED2
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology
F 190.2000 ZIT ED2
Pharmaceutical Biotechnology ZITO.
F 190.3016 VAN
Biotechnology of Industrial Antibiotics VANDAMME.
F 190.3017 BRU
Different aggregation states of alpha-lactalbumin an their
interaction with DOPC lipid bilayers.
F 190.3017 KOB
Ny viden nye lae
F 190.3021 LEB
Bacterias lácticas productoras de nutraceúticos JEAN GUY LeBLANC.
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Filtration And Purification in the Biopharmaceutical
Industry Second Edition MELTZER.
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Pharmaceutical Gene Delivery Systems M. SULLIVAN.
F 190.3072 KAL
Pharmacogenomics F. TYNDALE.
F 190.3121 GRE V2
Liposome Technology
Volume II Incorporation of Drugs, Proteins, and Genetic Materials GREGORIADIS.
F 190.3121 DUZ
Method in Enzymology DUZGUNES.
F 190.3141 GOO
Bionanotechnology Lesson From Nature GOODSELL.
F 190.3141 MIN
Nanobiotechnology Concepts Applications and Perspectives
F 190.3141 MIR
Nanobiotechnology II M. NIEMEYER.
F 190.3141 VOD
Nanotechnology In Biology And Medicine TUAN VO-DINH.
F 190.3141 JAI
The Handbook of Nanomedicine K. JAIN.
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Biological Barriers to Protein Delivery J.RAUB.
F 190.3161 HOV ED2
Pharmaceutical Formulation Development of Peptides and
Proteins second edition LARS HOVGAARD.
F 190.3161 ROS ED2
Protein analysis and Purification second edition.
F 190.3161 MCN ED2
Protein Formulation And Delivery Second Edition McNALLY.
F 190.3191 WIN
Advances in Blood Subtitules Industrial Opportunities and
Medical Challenges INTAGLIETA.
F 190.3321 COH
Microparticulate Systems for the Delivery Proteins and bacines BERNSTEIN.
F 190.3321 ELI
New Bacterial Vaccines R. BRODEUR.