F 130.0010 FOI 1991
Drugs Under Patent 1991 FOI.
F 130.0010 FOI 2000
Drugs Under Patent 2000 FOI.
F 130.0010 LOB
La Patente Farmacéutica CEDEF.
F 130.0010 GRU
Patents For chemicals pharmaceuticals grubbo.
F 130.0029 RAT
Effective Drug Regulation A Multicountry Study.
F 130.0021 1988
Guide To Drug Financing Mechanisms DUMOULIN.
F 130.0021 1998
How to develop and implement a national drug policy Geneva.
F 130.0021 1999
Indicators for monitoring National Drug Policies Brudon Ed 2.
F 130.0021 CAN
La Practica de la Rectoría de los Ministerios de Salud en
los Paises del Área Andina 17 CAÑON SANTAFE DE BOGOTA.
F 130.0021 OPS
Macrocondicionantes Externos al Ejercicio de la Rectoría
Sectorial de Salud 5 BOGOTA, COLOMBIA.
F 130.0021 OPS
Sistema de Certificación de la Calidad de los Productos
Farmacéuticos Objetivo de Comercio Internacional.
F 130.0023 1996
Trace elements in human nutrition and Health WHO.
F 130.0029 BIS 1990
Biological substances Geneva.
F 130.0029 OPS
Desarrollo de la Capacidad de Conducción Sectorial en Salud
F 130.0029 DUK
Drug utilization studies Methods and uses Charlton.
F 130.0029 WHR 1998
The World Health report 1998 Geneva.
F 130.0029 WHR 1999
The World Health Report 1999.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 1
Code of federal regulations parts 1 to 99.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 200
Code of federal regulations parts 200 to 299.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 300
Code of federal regulations parts 300 to 499.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 500
Code of federal regulations parts 500 to 599.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 600
Code of federal regulations parts 600 to 799.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 800
Code of federal regulations parts 800 to 1299.
F 130.0031 FDA 1984 1300
Code of federal regulations parts 1300 to end.
F 130.0039 MUL
Blackstone pharmacy law and practice.
F 130.0039 ROD
Law and ethics in pharmacy practice.
F 130.0039 SAH
New drug development.
F 130.0039 STR
Strauss federal drug laws and examination review.
F 130.0039 BER
The pharmaceutical Regulatory process.
F 130.0040 ALB
Farmacia y unión europea.